INSIGHTS & REPORTSPUBLICATIONSRead our latest client reports and opinion pieces on key economics issues Experimental economics – scattergun or science? Better the devil you know Applying CPI inflation to set the license fee for 3G spectrum Turn That Frown Upside Down When to pop the question Enhancing The Bottom Line Solicitors’ Regulation Authority Compensation Fund Review Gas to the West Pipeline – Northern Ireland Competitive advantage in UK universities Market models for tax-free childcare vouchers The need for adjustments in the annual license fee 900 and 1800MHz spectrum Estimating the cost of capital for the license fee Streamlining appeals Retail value at the margin I love it when a plan comes together- Hannibal Smith « PreviousNext » HOW CAN WE HELP? GET IN TOUCH Economic Insight | 125 Old Broad Street | London | EC2N 1AR PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF USE SITEMAP